Raptors Outriders 01
My first completed models from the Indomitus box – Outriders! I loved these models as soon as I saw them in the previews. There are so many cool things you could do with them, I could have kept going and going with the weathering etc, but sometimes you just gotta call a model done 😉…
Raptors Phobos Captain
Every now and then you have a project that just doesn’t go smoothly, and this was one such for me. There were several stages that didn’t go well, parts I wasn’t happy with and ended up painting over. I was tempted to just strip the model and start again, but instead I persevered and ended…
Raven Guard Intercessor
Next up in the First Founding project, masters of stealth – the midnight-black armoured Raven Guard! As with the other First Founding intercessors I have painted, I have produced a detailed PDF painting guide covering all steps. Included is a mini guide on white armour for 1st Company and Veterans, and alternative shoulder trim colour…
Raptors Phobos Librarian
All the models from Shadowspear have been fantastic, but there is something truly special about the Phobos Librarian. The composition, movement, flow; the opportunity for so many different surface types and textures. The sculpt seemed to effortlessly guide my brush. He was simply a joy to paint. Imperial Gothic Details transfers were used on the…
Raptors Eliminators Squad I
Took a quick break from painting guides and transfers to finish another unit for my Raptors – Eliminators from Shadowspear! These guys have been on my desk for a while so it feels good to finally get them done. My hat’s off to the miniature designers – once again these are fantastic space marine models…
Salamanders Intercessor
The latest completed model in my project to paint one marine from each of the First Founding chapters – this time Salamanders! As with the other chapters, I have produced a detailed PDF guide of the painting process, including how the base was made.
Raptors Phobos Lieutenant
First completed model of 2020 – a Phobos Lieutenant for my Raptors army. This is another model from the Shadowspear box that I’m slowly (but happily!) working my way through. I did a very minor conversion to swap the head with the captain from the same box.
Black Templars Intercessor
Here is the Black Templars Intercessor I recently finished for my latest PDF Painting Guide. I hope you like my take on the matte black armour of this most zealous of Chapters 🙂
Lieutenant Cerrin Painted
Cerrin has been waiting to be painted for quite a while (see original post here)… The base model is the event exclusive lieutenant and the conversion was inspired by the awesome kitbash by k03rnl. The cloak was sculpted for me by Dawn Crusade.
Imperial Fists Intercessor
Here is the finished Imperial Fists Intercessor I painted for my guide. I hope you like my take on the scheme!
White Scar Intercessor
Here is the finished White Scar Intercessor I painted for my guide. I hope you like my take on the scheme!
Raptors Infiltrators Squad 1
FINALLY finished the first complete unit from my Shadowspear box. It took longer than usual because I stopped after each step to photograph one of these guys for a painting guide, which will be coming soon…