Death Korps Kill Team – Halfway!
I completed the fifth model for the DKoK Kill Team (the Zealot reading his favourite Imperial-sanctioned poems about purging xenos) so took the opportunity to take a group shot 🙂
Ork Kommando
I finished this just in time for the end of #Orktober, but didn’t get around to posting him here until now. He’s the first Ork I painted from the Octarius Kill Team box, so was kind of a test model. I hope to make a guide now I’m happy with the scheme – especially the…
Death Korps of Krieg 143rd Legion
This is the second Death Korps of Krieg model I’ve completed from the Octarius box, and was the subject of my latest PDF Painting Guide. The first model I finished was a test model for the guide and I switched a few things up and made some improvements to perfect the scheme. I hope you…
Brother Izair
Just finished painting up this hand-sculpted 32mm scale model by Last Light Creative. I experimented a lot with temperature on this model – cool shadows and warm highlights on the cloth, and the opposite on the armour. A lot of fun to paint!
Flesh Tearers
I’ve wanted to paint this scheme for a long time and, as ever when coming up with schemes for painting guides, I spent a long time experimenting until I achieved what I believed was the perfect colour and process. To see more details on the guide, click here. To view larger images, click the thumbnails…
Raptors Army Shots
A few people have asked how the Raptors army is shaping up. I’m in the process of re-packing them into magnetised cases, so I took the opportunity to take some ‘artistic’ shots 😀 Click for a closer view…
Raptors Repulsor Executioner
This model was about three months in the making because it was the subject of my first vehicle painting guide and I wanted to cover a variety of different techniques – particularly weathering and lighting effects. Click the images for a larger view and let me know what you think!
The Templar – Build
Some of you may remember the Captain Calsius conversion I did a while back. Well he’s been sitting in my cabinet ever since while I pondered what to do with him, until recently when I decided he simply must be a Black Templar. But he wasn’t nearly Templar enough, so I enlisted the help of…
Raptors Judiciar Conversion
Today I finished the second unit from the Indomitus boxed set and the first unit of 2021 – a Judiciar conversion. I used the Bladeguard Ancient as the base model, swapped the head for the one from the original Primaris Chaplain and the banner for the axe head from the Adeptus Custodes Captain-General Trajann Valoris…
Raptors Captain Voland
As Raptors are traditionally less ostentatious and more prosaic than other chapters, I felt the Sergeant Jovan model would make a good captain for my 2nd Company. I gave him an older and more austere appearance with a head swap, and made him feel more like a captain with a company banner. I went a…
And They Shall Know No Fear
This marks the culmination of a project 18 months in the making. To paint one marine from each of the First Founding loyalist legions (now chapters), and document the process in a series of PDF painting guides. The plinth on which these mighty heroes of humanity stand was made for me by my dad, and…
Iron Hands Intercessor
My First Founding Loyalist project has proved more epic than I ever imagined – 1.5 years after beginning I have completed my paint scheme for the final chapter, Iron Hands. As with the other chapters, the process has been fully documented in great detail with photographs of every step, in my PDF painting guide. I…