Raptors Terminator v2
I finally finished painting the Raptors Terminator that was the subject of my latest PDF painting guide. Those waiting for the guide have had to wait a long time! There are various reasons for that which I won’t go into now, but one is that I wanted to make the guide as comprehensive and detailed…
Raptors Terminator
I finally cracked open Leviathan and got to work on the awesome new Terminator models. I was eager to add them to my Raptors force as I think the scheme works really well with these models. I am planning to make a PDF guide on the next one, as I have made some tweaks and…
Thousand Sons Rubric Marine
After a few delays, I finally finished the Thousand Sons Rubric marine I painted for the latest PDF painting guide. I wanted to give him and aged, ornate look, so I used a couple of texture effects on the armour and cloth. Hope you like him!
Spriggans from Monkstone Miniatures
Finally got around to posting the Spriggans I finished a while back! I got them from Monkstone Miniatures on the recommendation of my friend Alex from Maschinen Heimat at Salute that we attended together earlier this year. They were an absolute joy to paint and it was a refreshing change to paint something from a…
Cadian Shock Trooper
I recently finished this Cadian Shock Trooper, the subject of my latest PDF painting guide. I painted a test model beforehand, and made some changes for the final version – mainly increasing the saturations of colours and the contrast. Hope you like the results!
Raptors Storm Speeders
Returned to my Raptors after the longest time and had a blast painting up these two Speeders! So many details and opportunities for weathering, I could have gone on forever! But sometimes you just have to call a project done 😅
Deathwing Bladeguard
I recently finished this Dark Angels Deathwing Bladeguard Veteran – the subject of my latest PDF painting guide. Hope you like him!
Death Guard Plague Marine
I’ve been refining the scheme, techniques and methods since posting my Plague Marine test model a few weeks ago – and here’s the result! As usual, I’ve written a detailed step-by-step painting guide on the whole process which you can check out here.
Retributor Space Marine
This model was the subject of my latest PDF painting guide – a space marine of the Retributors chapter, created for the Astartes animated short film. I experimented a lot with different colours to achieve a grey that wasn’t “just grey”. There are both cool and warm tones in the armour which I found adds…
Plague Marine Test Model
Finished the first test model for my Plague Marine scheme. There will be a guide once I’ve refined it. I don’t normally take test models to this level of completion, but this one was a lot of fun and there were lots of things to experiment with that were new to me. Not everything came…
Crimson Fists Intercessor
After testing out a great many blue paints, I finally settled on a scheme for the Crimson Fists blue (and red) armour that I was happy with. I hope you like it too! As usual, I documented the process in a detailed PDF painting guide, which is available now in the shop.
Ork Kommando Nob
This is the model I painted for my latest PDF Painting Guide, How to Paint Ork Kommando. I streamlined the process to come up with a quick and easy way to paint this muted and “natural” green skin tone 🙂 Hope you like him!