Raptors Terminator v2
I finally finished painting the Raptors Terminator that was the subject of my latest PDF painting guide. Those waiting for the guide have had to wait a long time! There are various reasons for that which I won’t go into now, but one is that I wanted to make the guide as comprehensive and detailed as possible.
I first came up with my Raptors scheme in 2018, after the release of Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition. I felt the Raptors were a great fit for the Primaris models and developed my scheme as a bridge between the sci-fi fantasy and real-world modern military aesthetic.
As I’ve continued to paint my own Raptors collection, I’ve tweaked, refined and improved the process and methodology over time, and I wanted to bring together the things I’ve learned as a miniature painter over the years in an updated guide. Those familiar with the scheme and my other Raptors guides will recognise many things, but I hope will also appreciate the changes and improvements.
I hope you like the results, please let me know what you think!