Ask the Artist – FauxHammer
Read the story of my journey in the hobby thus far in my interview with FauxHammer.
How to paint Iron Hands now available in the shop!
The latest PDF Painting Guide, How to Paint Iron Hands is now available in the shop! As well as the desaturated blue-black armour, the guide includes all the steps required to hand paint smooth blends with white, and weathering techniques with dry pigments and enamel washes.
MOAR new transfer designs
Two new transfer designs are now available, each in black and white variations: Gothic Numerals Sheet A (Black), Gothic Numerals Sheet A (White), Imperial Mech Numerals (Black) and Imperial Mech Numerals (White).
New transfer designs available now!
A range of new transfer designs are available now in the shop. The range includes an updated Imperial Gothic Script, new Fleur-de-Lis Script, Chaotic Script, Skulls and Tech Mech. Check them out!
How to paint Raven Guard now available in the shop!
The latest PDF Painting Guide, How to Paint Raven Guard is now available in the shop! As well as all the steps required to paint the midnight-black armour, a mini guide is included on white armour parts for 1st Company and Veterans, and alternative shoulder trim colours for different companies.
How to Paint Salamanders now available in the shop!
The latest PDF Painting Guide, How to Paint Salamanders is now available to buy and download in the shop! This guide includes all the steps to make and paint the lava / magma base.
New Transfer Designs Coming Soon
The forges of the Mighty Brush have been busy working on five new transfer sheet designs, due for release later this month. Building on the popular Imperial Gothic Script sheet, a new Imperial Gothic Details sheet will be available with more colour variation, more options and more detail. As well as text blocks and script,…
How to Paint Black Templars now available in the shop!
The latest PDF Painting Guide, How to Paint Black Templars is now available to buy and download in the shop! This is the first of at least three guides covering black armour, the other two being Raven Guard and Iron Hands (coming soon). Each will feature a different way to achieve this colour.
Red Unit Markings now available
New transfer sheets for red unit markings – Tactical Arrows, Assault Arrows, Heavy Arrows and Iron Crosses – are now available in the shop.
Purity Seal Transfers
Panzer TaHK has been using our Imperial Gothic Script transfers to great effect, making custom purity seals for his awesome Space Wolves! The parchment is made from thin copper sheet, painted, with small sections of the transfers cut out and applied. These are then sealed with a protective clear coat and will be gently bent…
How to Paint Imperial Fists now available in the shop!
The latest PDF painting guide, How to Paint Imperial Fists, is now available to buy and download from the shop!
New Knights Templar Cross transfer sheets now available!
The Knights Templar / Maltese Cross transfer sheet is back in stock with an updated design, and a whole new design of alternate symbols is now available too…