And They Shall Know No Fear

And They Shall Know No Fear

This marks the culmination of a project 18 months in the making. To paint one marine from each of the First Founding loyalist legions (now chapters), and document the process in a series of PDF painting guides. The plinth on which these mighty heroes of humanity stand was made for me by my dad, and…

Blood Angels Intercessor

Blood Angels Intercessor

I have returned to my first love, Blood Angels, and devised a new and more streamlined way of achieving my signature scheme on the armour of this most beloved (or cursed?) of Chapters. How I painted this model is documented in great detail in my new PDF guide – check it out!

Sanguinary Guard Conversions

Sanguinary Guard Conversions

Finally got around to finishing my second Sanguinary Guard squad today, converted using Forge World torsos, helmets and shoulder pads. I realised after taking the pics I’d forgotten to add soot around the jump pack jets so need to go back and do that. Also my first time doing power weapons and jump pack jets…

Blood Angels Stormraven

Blood Angels Stormraven

I was never really happy with the photos I took of my Stormraven – it didn’t fit in my lightbox and I struggled to light it without it being over exposed. But I have a new, bigger lightbox now so thought I’d take some more pics which are a truer representation of the real thing.

Blood Angels Drop Pods

Blood Angels Drop Pods

Here we have a trio of Drop Pods. The middle one was painted by me and, as when I’ve painted a unit I tend to want to move on to another rather than paint more of the same, I commissioned the talented Mr. Peter Zuidgeest at Scar’s Miniature Madness to paint the other two. He…

Commander Dante

Commander Dante

Here’s my kitbash of Dante. Some of the bits aren’t perfect but I’ve wanted to get a model done ever since the last codex came out so used what I had to hand. I wanted the armour to look suitably ancient – not damaged but worn and ‘antique’ looking, so I used Rub n’ Buff…