How to paint Raptors vehicles: Repulsor Executioner PDF Painting Guide

How to Paint Raptors vehicles PDF painting guide now available!

I’ve been asked many times to produce something like this and it’s finally here! My first vehicle painting guide, based on a Raptors Repulsor Executioner. Three months in the making, this is by far my most ambitious guide to date clocking in at 35 pages, over 6,000 words and 130 high resolution images. The guide…

Purity seal transfers

Purity Seal Transfers

Panzer TaHK has been using our Imperial Gothic Script transfers to great effect, making custom purity seals for his awesome Space Wolves! The parchment is made from thin copper sheet, painted, with small sections of the transfers cut out and applied. These are then sealed with a protective clear coat and will be gently bent…

New article on how to get started airbrushing miniatures

New article on how to get started airbrushing miniatures

There are many uses for an airbrush in miniature painting. Achieving a smooth base coat quickly and easily, blended highlights, shadows and colour gradients, special effects to impress your friends on the tabletop or in the display cabinet! On a practical level, you can prime and varnish your models indoors, no matter the weather outside,…