How to paint Raptors Space Marines
Since I posted my first unit of Raptors Intercessors, a few people asked for the colours and processes used. So, as requested, here is a step-by-step!
Step 1
Prime the model using Vallejo NATO Green (612).
Step 2
Apply shading using Vallejo Model Air Burnt Umber (71040).
Step 3
Apply the first highlight using Citadel Elysian Green Air.
Step 4
Apply the second highlight using Citadel Ogryn Camo Air.
Step 5
See separate tutorial on applying decals with Microset and Microsol.
Step 6
Apply Citadel Athonian Camoshade mixed 3:1 with Lahmian Medium. The wash is applied with a normal brush, not airbrush, allowing it to settle in the recesses. The Lahmian Medium helps it to not stain the raised areas and flat surfaces. You can do one or two coats, depending on how thickly or thinly you apply it, until you’re happy with the shading.
Step 7
Base coat the other areas of the model:
- Leather and base: Vallejo Model Air Burnt Umber (71040)
- Worn metal: Forge World Castellax Bronze followed by a light drybrush of Vallejo Model Air Gunmetal (71072)
- Bolter metal areas: Vallejo Model Air Gunmetal (71072)
- Bolter casing, under-suit, tubing and pistol grip: Vallejo Model Color Black Grey (70862)
- Chest and bolter eagle: Andrea Color White Paint Set No. 1 followed by No. 2 Note: These colours are perhaps a bit obscure and not in everyone’s paint collection. Citadel Screaming Skull and Ushabti Bone look to be good substitutes.
- Purity seal: Vallejo Model Color Hull Red (70985)
- Parchment: Vallejo Model Color Iraqui Sand (70819)
Step 8
Apply Citadel Nuln Oil to all the leather, black and metal areas, and Agrax Earthshade mixed 3:1 with Lahmian Medium to the chest and Bolter eagles. Apply undiluted Agrax Earthshade to the parchment.
Step 9
Step 10
Apply edge highlights with Andrea Color White Paint Set No. 1, drawing them out into scratches here and there and adding dots where there will be chips to the armour.
Step 11
Apply Vallejo Game Color Smoky Ink (72068) over the top of the chips, leaving some of the white highlight colour visible at the bottom of the chip.
Step 12
Apply highlights to the other areas:
- Metal areas: Vallejo Model Air Aluminium (71062)
- Black areas: Vallejo Model Color Medium Sea Grey (70870)
- Leather: 1:1 Vallejo Model Air Burnt Umber (71040) and Vallejo Model Color Amarantha Red (70829)
- Purity seal: Vallejo Model Color Red (70926)
- Parchment: Vallejo Model Color Pale Sand (70837)
Step 13
See separate tutorial for painting the glowing eye lenses.
The finished model
I hope you find this tutorial useful – if you have any questions please post a comment!