How to paint glowing Space Marine eye lenses
In this tutorial I’ll describe the steps I use to create the ‘glowing eye’ lens effect on my Raptors Space Marines. You can use this method with any chapter or colour scheme, just substitute the colours for your own.

Step 1
Using your armour highlight colour (in this case Citadel Ogryn Camo Air), paint the whole lens and an area overlapping it top and bottom.

Step 2
Paint an area just inside this using a 50/50 mix of your armour highlight colour and the lens colour (in this case Vallejo Model Air 71089 Light Sea Blue).

Step 3
Now paint just the lens itself using the lens colour.

Step 4
Lastly, paint a thin line or dot in the centre of the lens using white.
And there you have it – quick and easy glowing eyes!