How to paint Blood Angels – Part III

UPDATE: After three years and lots of positive feedback, this guide has been superseded by a new version, available to buy as a PDF download in the shop. The process has been reviewed and streamlined to help you get models on the table quicker, and new paints, colours and techniques explored. I will leave this free version up for anyone who still finds it useful, but I strongly recommend checking out the new version. Of course, the small fee I charge for it will help enable me to continue putting out this kind of content – so thanks for your support!

Welcome to the third and final part of this tutorial on how I paint my Blood Angels. Check out Part I here and Part II here.

The last part is where we add the final details to the model and it’s difficult to record this ‘step-by-step’ as everything is kind of happening at the same time. Instead I will show pictures of the finished model from all angles and list the paints used for each part.

Red Armour

  • Edge highlight 1: Vallejo Model Color 130 Amarantha Red
  • Edge highlight 2 (corners only): Citadel Vomit Brown (OOP)

Eye Lenses

  • Highlight 1: Vallejo Model Color 077 Lime Green
  • Highlight 2: 50/50 Vallejo Model Color 077 Lime Green / Vallejo Model Color 015 Flat Yellow

Metal & Black

  • Metal areas highlight: Vallejo Model Color 171 Silver
  • Black areas highlight 1: Vallejo Model Color 164 Dark Bluegrey
  • Black areas highlight 2: Vallejo Model Color 162 Basalt Grey


  • Hhighlight 1: Vallejo Model Color 173 Old Gold
  • Highlight 2: Vallejo Model Color 171 Silver


  • Base coat: Vallejo Model Color 124 Iraqui Sand
  • Highlight: Vallejo Model Color 007 Pale Sand
  • Shading wash: Citadel Agrax Earthshade
  • Text: Vallejo Game Color 72045 Charred Brown

Purity Seal

  • Highlight 1: 50/50 Vallejo Game Color 72016 Royal Purple / Vallejo Model Color 007 Pale Sand
  • Highlight 2: 25/75 Vallejo Game Color 72016 Royal Purple / Vallejo Model Color 007 Pale Sand


  • First I use a small piece of sponge dipped in Vallejo Model Color 171 Silver, dabbed on to a paper towel until there is hardly any paint coming off, then dabbed lightly on to the model concentrating on edges and areas that would naturally receive wear and tear. This gives some natural-looking random shapes to work with.
  • Next, taking a size 0 brush I extend some of these into longer scratches or larger shapes.
  • Lastly, on the larger areas I add some shading at the top of the chip with Vallejo Model Color 985 Hull Red, and / or a highlight at the bottom using Vallejo Model Color 130 Amarantha Red.


  • Base coat: Vallejo Game Color 72045 Charred Brown
  • Drybrush: Vallejo Model Color 134 Tan Earth
  • Rim: Vallejo Model Air 71.056 Panzer Dark Grey











I hope you’ve found this tutorial useful. Please comment if you have any questions and happy painting!